Date: Sunday, 23rd February, 2014
I've been hesitating to put up this post until some follow up that happened today.
The day started off by getting the snowboard, I got the last one in my size luckily. However getting up the slope was proving difficult. So many people had been using the lifts on skis that there were major track marks and I was having trouble getting my balance on the board on these marks so in the end I stuck to the green slopes because the lifts were easier too. After a couple of runs I started to get into the swing of things again, but my last run went kind of wrong. I was trying to slow myself down by leaning back on the board a little, but I leant too far (like usual... but hey, I'm only a beginner!) and fell on my bum. Usually I put my hands out to stop my bum taking all my weight, and usually I'm ok; this time for some reason the thumb on my right hand was pointing straight down into the snow, like so...
Because the snow was so compact on the slopes, my thumb got stuck but the rest of my hand and I kept sliding forward, so my thumb bent in an awkward position like this but further than I can make it go...
I noticed it hurt quite a lot at the time, but because my hands were quite cold I didn't know how bad it was. That night my knuckle swelled and I could barely bend my thumb. I went to the doctors on Monday and she told me I had to wear an immobilising thumb/write brace because there was a chance I'd fractured the knuckle! Luckily the wrist brace was kindly provided for by social security, and I arranged for the x-ray to be done on Thursday (today).
Today I had the x-ray, and it showed that nothing is broken! Yipee! I've apparently just twisted it quite badly. I'm supposed to keep wearing the brace but it all honestly I feel better without it because otherwise my thumb just gets stiff. I'm going to wear it to bed because I'm worried I'll move it awkwardly in my sleep and hurt it even more, but the good news is it's not broken and I don't have to wear the brace for a long time! Here in France you get to keep a copy of your x-rays, so here's mine for you lovely lot to see; you should be able to click on the pictures to make them bigger...